Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t worry we got you covered.
  • Residential solar energy systems work by converting sunlight into electricity through the use of photovoltaic (PV) cells. These cells are typically installed on the roof of a home or in an area where they can receive maximum sunlight exposure. When sunlight hits the PV cells, it creates an electrical current that flows through wires to an inverter, which converts the direct current (DC) electricity produced by the cells into alternating current (AC) electricity, which can be used to power household appliances and electronics.

  • Residential solar systems don’t require batteries! This is the most common misconception we hear today. Through what’s called a Net Metering Agreement with your utility provider, the grid is used as storage, and whatever power you generate that isn’t immediately used, is sold back to the utility at an agreed rate. This allows solar in Canada to work on an annual basis, with peak production and credits built in the summer, to be used and drawn upon throughout the winter.

  • Net Metering is the process in which your electrical utility allows you to sell your excess electricity back to them. It is necessary if you want to have a solar system without batteries (which we highly recommend). Check out the Net Metering pages for:

    ATCO Electric




  • Yes, at Ark Renewable Energy we source premium solar panels that can generate electricity even in bad weather. We use high-quality panels that are efficient in low-light conditions and micro inverters to ensure optimal performance even when panels are partially obstructed.

    We often get asked what happens in the even of snowfall on the panels. A study from Northern Alberta Institute of Technology has shown that snow only affects solar panel production by 2.2% per year, and snow melts faster on panels than on regular roofs. Therefore, you can produce and store enough energy in summer to cover your needs in winter.

    Sunny days are the best days for solar collection, but just because the sun hasn’t broken through the clouds doesn’t mean your panels aren’t producing power. Cloudy days still produce power (the brighter the better) but if it's daylight hours, you’ll still be pushing watts back into your home

  • Very little! Occasionally the panels can get dirty from birds and dust, but for the most part, they are self-cleaning with regular rainfalls. It is not out of the question to go up once a year to wash and inspect the modules, to ensure peak production throughout the summer months. With no moving parts, Solar installations have very little which can go wrong, which is why you often see long warranty periods of up to 25 years for the equipment

  • The amount of savings you can achieve depends on your current home energy usage, roof space, and orientation of your home. We create a customized system for you that maximizes these savings. Our design utilizes the most sun-exposed areas with highly efficient panels. Contact us now to receive a free proposal, and we will take care of everything else for you!

  • Solar Club is a loyalty program designed specifically for solar homes in Alberta's deregulated market. Residents of Alberta enrolled in the Solar Club can take advantage of High and Low export electricity rates, cash back on all energy imported from the grid, and free Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) offsets equivalent to 50% of the energy imported.

  • Net Metering is the process in which your electrical utility allows you to sell your excess electricity back to them. It is necessary if you want to have a solar system without batteries (which we highly recommend). Check out the Net Metering pages for:

    ATCO Electric



    City of Medicine Hat

    City of Red Deer

    City of Lethbridge

    Crowsnest Pass

    Town of Cardston

    Town of Fort Macleod

    Town of Ponoka


  • The duration of a solar panel installation can vary significantly based on several factors including the size of the system, complexity of the installation, weather conditions, and the efficiency of the permitting process.

  • Typically, it takes 4-6 months from the initial site audit to the activation of the system. However, the duration may differ for each household, influenced by factors such as the application process, permitting requirements, and other variables. During the process we have experienced project managers to assist and expedite the process.

  • The potential return on investment for residential solar systems is determined by the specific program chosen and the rebate amount provided in the homeowner's province. Many of our customers have shared that they experience an immediate ROI, which means that the monthly savings through financing the system offset the initial cost from day one or within a short period of installation. This is advantageous for homeowners as they do not need to change their lifestyle to accommodate the system and can start benefiting from it right away.

  • To guarantee quality work, our company has commercial general liability insurance. We suggest that you consult with your home insurance provider or broker regarding your insurance policy before finalizing the installation. Different insurance companies may have policies that we are not aware of.

Can’t find the answer to your question?

Our Simple Solar Process

We make going solar easy.

Our step-by-step process ensures a smooth transition from initial consultation to installation and post-installation support.

Schedule a quick consultation at no cost to discuss your solar needs and goals.

Initial Consultation

Our solar experts will create a customized solar design and provide a detailed proposal for your home.

Design and Proposal

Our team will take care of obtaining all required permits and approvals for your system.

Permitting and Approvals

We ensure that the installation is set up to the highest standards of quality and safety.


We will conduct an inspection and activation of your solar system to guarantee its optimal performance.

Post Instal Inspection and Activation